온디맨드 웨비나

LG Electronics: Video Encoder IP Design Optimization and Verification Using Catapult

예상 소요 시간: 17분


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As the algorithm complexity of semiconductor IP increases, design and verification times are lengthening, becoming a major factor delaying Time-To-Market (TTM). Accordingly, the semiconductor industry is focusing on securing competitiveness through PPA (Power, Performance, Area) optimization and exploring efficient development and verification methods for complex IPs. In this context, LG Electronics' SoC Center successfully designed a highly complex video encoder IP in a short period by adopting Catapult HLS. By leveraging the high-level design and verification capabilities of Catapult HLS, they were able to accelerate the design process and significantly reduce verification time. This resulted in greatly improved time and cost efficiency for IP development, and LG plans to increase the use of Catapult HLS in future development projects.

발표자 소개

LG Electronics

Jonghun Yoo

Senior Researcher, SoC Center

B.S. in Computer Engineering, Gwangwoon University, 2012. M.S in Computer Engineering, Gwangwoon University, 2014. SoC R&D Center, LG Electronics, 2014 ~ Present.

  • 2014 ~ 2016: Video Codec device driver development
  • Present: MPEG Encoder/Decoder IP & Low Latency Video Codec IP
Siemens EDA

William Lee

Consultant Application Engineer

William Lee is consultant application engineer at Siemens EDA.
He is supporting Catapult HLS, which is a fast and effective RTL implementation of functions described in high level languages such as C/C++/SystemC.

He is particularly interested in HLS implementation of applications in the fields of video image processing and AI/ML.

He has also worked as an RTL design and verification support engineer, delivering QuestaSim digital logic simulator technical support and debugging, coverage closure, formal verification, and SV/UVM.

Before joining Siemens EDA in 2015, he had 6 years of experience in IP development and Soc mass production in various processes as an ASIC/SoC RTL design and verification engineer, including camera image signal processing, memory controller design, memory optimization, and low power design.

He holds a B.S and Ph.D.(ABD) degree from Hanyang University, electronics and electrical Engineering.

관련 자료

영상: 엔터프라이즈 레시피 관리 솔루션으로 소비재 산업의 레시피 개발 프로세스 간소화

영상: 엔터프라이즈 레시피 관리 솔루션으로 소비재 산업의 레시피 개발 프로세스 간소화

Siemens Enterprise Recipe Management를 통해 몇 분 만에 레시피를 변환하고 확대하십시오. 생산을 간소화하고 시험 시간을 단축하십시오. Siemens 웨비나 영상을 시청하고 레시피 개발 프로세스를 혁신하십시오.

레시피 관리 소프트웨어 및 디지털 트랜스포메이션으로 소비재 산업의 혁신 주도
White Paper

레시피 관리 소프트웨어 및 디지털 트랜스포메이션으로 소비재 산업의 혁신 주도

레시피 관리 소프트웨어를 통해 R&D 잠재력을 높여 복잡한 신제품을 만들 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보십시오.

CPG 제조에서의 포뮬레이션 개발 최적화

CPG 제조에서의 포뮬레이션 개발 최적화

포뮬레이션 개발 최적화를 소개하는 웨비나를 통해 CPG 제조에서 혁신 효율성을 높이는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.