온디맨드 웨비나

Accelerating innovation in manufacturing with SaaS PLM for medical devices

예상 소요 시간: 29분


Male athlete running on track with prosthetic leg

<p>The complexity of medical device design and compliance continues to increase. Consumer demands both at the patient and provider levels require increased product capabilities and intelligence to provide better safety and efficacy. Solving either one of these challenges can be possible but solving them both is a real challenge. Medical device businesses need to master data complexity to maintain a competitive advantage while meeting patient needs.</p><h2>Benefits of instant-on SaaS PLM for Medical Devices</h2><ul><li>Deploy proven methodologies to ensure insight and traceability at every stage of the medical device development process</li><li>Implement multidisciplinary development of systems that integrate hardware, electronics and software</li><li>Manager the complexity of change at every phase to improve product quality and maintain compliance</li></ul><h2>What you’ll learn from this webinar</h2><p>Watch Siemens' James Thompson and Ryan Bauer in this webinar to learn about the new SaaS solution PLM for Medical Devices. Listen along as they explain how this instant-on, cloud offering can accelerate your innovation, improve collaboration and tackle complex compliance issues. Dive deep into the built-in best practices and out-of-the-box capabilities and workflows such as:<ul><li>Design data management</li><li>Product line management</li><li>Quality process management</li></ul></p>

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

James B. Thompson

Global industry Leader for the Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industries

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Ryan Bauer

Director, Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Solutions

관련 자료

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