
PCB Manufacturing: Perfecting Your PCB with DFM Analysis


Perfecting Your PCB with DFM Analysis

Today, DFM analysis allows you to identify and correct potential fabrication and assembly issues in the design database before they hit the production floor. Without DFM, you leave changes in the manufacturer’s hands, where the focus is on increasing yield, not on the electrical performance of the final product.

Integrated design for manufacturing analysis

PCB designers can review DFM results and fix issues immediately with seamless integration and synchronization, significantly reducing respins due to fabrication and assembly violations.

Accurate and validated data for PCB fabrication

PADS Professional Design for Manufacturing assures you that your design data is accurate when sent out for fabrication and unexpected calls from fabricators with issues will not delay production.

Panel design and optimization

PADS Professional Design for Manufacturing allows you to create and optimize assembly panels, regardless of PCB shape, including adding fiducials, tooling holes, breakaway tabs, and v-score features to create a complete assembly panel model.

Webinar: Perfecting Your PCB with DFM Analysis

In this webinar, we’ll show you how PADS Professional can empower you to eliminate costly manufacturing delays by minimizing supplier “call-backs” and design re-spins.

Learn more about PADS Professional Premium.


使用 DFM(可制造性设计)分析完善 PCB

使用 DFM(可制造性设计)分析完善 PCB

当今的 PCB 设计可能包含数以千计的元器件和连接,因此,要想凭借肉眼找出可能存在的所有问题近乎天方夜谭。 一眼之下,PCB 可能看起来很完美,但一旦交付制造,就会发现各种问题。没完没了的重复修复和检查会变得无比乏味,而且会损失大量的时间和生产率。值得高兴的是:还有更好的方法!即:集成的 DFM 分析。

利用 PADS Professional Premium 软件提升电子设计流程的十二个方法

利用 PADS Professional Premium 软件提升电子设计流程的十二个方法

下文将深入探索利用 PADS Professional Premium 软件助您提升电子设计流程的十二个方法。