
Moving Between FPGA and ASIC with High-Level Synthesis


Moving Between FPGA and ASIC with High-Level Synthesis

Writing RTL that works smoothly on both FPGA and ASIC implementations is nearly impossible. But, High-Level Synthesis (HLS) can make technology-independent design a breeze. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Stuart Clubb of Siemen’s Catapult team about how to use HLS to accelerate your design flow.


优化不同 FPGA 平台的 HLS 代码
White Paper

优化不同 FPGA 平台的 HLS 代码

在此白皮书中,我们将详细介绍一个简单的卷积滤波器,并概括如何使用高层次综合将其导入至不同的 FPGA 平台。

将 Vivado HLS 设计移植到 Catapult HLS 平台
White Paper

将 Vivado HLS 设计移植到 Catapult HLS 平台

当开发要在数字逻辑解决方案—例如现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA) 和专用集成电路 (ASIC)—中实现的算法和知识产权 (IP) 块时,高层次综合 (HLS) 具有显著的优势。

Rapid Algorithm to HW: Using HLS for Computer Vision and Deep Learning Seminar

Rapid Algorithm to HW: Using HLS for Computer Vision and Deep Learning Seminar

How HLS helps project teams rapidly & accurately explore power/performance of algorithms, quickly get to FPGA implementations to create demonstrator/prototypes & use same source RTL IP for ASIC implementation.