온디맨드 웨비나

Session 4: Innovative load data and fatigue life analysis


Session 4: Innovative load data and fatigue life analysis

Watch our fourth part of a 7 part series.

Discover how to analyze public road, proving ground, test rig campaigns and correlate with vehicle durability simulations.

Innovative load and fatigue analysis solution is crucial to speed up time-consuming tasks such as load data classification, damage potential analysis and experimental fatigue analysis. Accelerate the delivery of critical insights when preparing for test rig campaigns and reliable simulations with durability load data analytics.

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Safak Has

Business Development Manager Durability Solutions

Şafak’s previous experience was at Ford Motor Company on vehicle testing of a wide vehicle range from passenger cars to construction trucks. His areas of expertise include data acquisition systems and data analysis in the context of NVH and Durability testing. Şafak Has holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul Turkey.

관련 자료

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화
White Paper

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화

Simcenter 3D 음향 시뮬레이션 도구를 사용하여 엔지니어가 노트북 및 기타 전자기기의 소음과 소음 품질을 예측하고 최적화하는 방법을 알아보십시오.