온디맨드 웨비나

Session 2: Smart load data acquisition in all environmental conditions


Session 2: Smart load data acquisition in all environmental conditions

Watch our second part of a 7 part series.
Discover how to acquire realistic load data and how to optimize your acquisition process obtaining high-quality data as fast as possible.

A successful durability engineering process starts with gaining a precise understanding of the loads that products will undergo during their anticipated lifetime, for which a state-of-the-art load data acquisition system is crucial to succeed.

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Swen Vandenberk

Presales Consultant

Swen Vandenberk is an EMEA Presales Consultant, focused on Testing Solutions, for Siemens Digital Industries Software. Swen graduated Cum Laude as Master of Science in Engineering with specialization in Mechatronics from the Catholic University Of Leuven, Belgium . His fields of studies include Mechanics, Noise and Vibrations, Electromechanics, Robotics, Control Mechanisms and Automation

관련 자료

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화
White Paper

3D 음향으로 고성능 전자기기의 소음 완화

Simcenter 3D 음향 시뮬레이션 도구를 사용하여 엔지니어가 노트북 및 기타 전자기기의 소음과 소음 품질을 예측하고 최적화하는 방법을 알아보십시오.