온디맨드 웨비나

Increase your NX design workflows and efficiencies by using Feature Template

Realize LIVE | NX | Cross-industry | Mechanical

예상 소요 시간: 25분


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Increase your NX design workflows and efficiencies by using Feature Template

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Watch this presentation to learn how using NX Feature Template can enhance NX design workflows. There are many major benefits of using Feature Template. One is the ability to incorporate PMI entities as a part of reuse features. Learn how to quickly setup the library and define the proper features for reuse.

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발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Sam Kuan

Senior marketing manager

Sam Kuan is a senior marketing manager with experience in the aerospace, automotive, industrial and heavy equipment industries. He's our product expert in NX and has worked on various academic projects like the NX Student Edition, NX Curriculum and the NX Certification.

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