온디맨드 웨비나

Building an iDCT for H.265 Using High-Level Synthesis

예상 소요 시간: 34분


Building an iDCT for H.265 Using High-Level Synthesis

High-Level Synthesis (HLS), has been adopted by leading companies to speed design time and reduce verification costs in applications such as video and image processing, 4/5G wireless, and high bandwidth advanced communications designs (i.e. optical communications processors).

But when deciding to use HLS for the first time, designers have many questions:

  • What does high level synthesis code look like for an algorithmic
  • How do I optimize it, and do I have enough control to get the design
    I want?
  • Will the QoR be good?
  • How do I verify and debug the RTL?
  • Should I use SystemC or C++?

This technical tutorial explores these questions and more using an
iDCT for H.265 as a specific example.

What you will learn:

  • What High-Level Synthesis code look like for an algorithmic block
  • How to optimize HLS code and the level of control in the design
  • What the QoR will look like
  • How to verify and debug the RTL
  • Whether SystemC or C++ should be used

Who should attend:

  • RTL designers interesting in moving up to HLS with C/C++/System
    based design flow to improve productivity
  • RTL Design Manager/Project leaders who want to better understand
    what it will take and the potential benefit for the next project to
    move to HLS
  • Verification Managers who want to understand the design and
    verification flow using HLS

관련 자료

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PLM은 무엇이며, 왜 클라우드 PLM을 사용해야 할까요?

PLM 정의 클라우드 PLM으로 디지털 트윈을 효율적으로 관리해 혁신적인 제품을 시장에 더 빨리 선보이는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오. 자세히 알아보십시오.

비즈니스 성장에 따라 확장 가능하도록 제작된 Teamcenter X 클라우드 PLM

비즈니스 성장에 따라 확장 가능하도록 제작된 Teamcenter X 클라우드 PLM

Teamcenter X가 언제 어디서나 팀이 작업할 수 있도록 제품 개발 및 제공을 지원하는 클라우드 PLM을 통해 소규모 스타트업의 성장을 어떻게 지원하는지 알아보십시오.