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Achieve quality excellence with Teamcenter Quality

Realize LIVE | Teamcenter | Cross-industry | Manufacturing


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Achieve quality excellence with Teamcenter Quality

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A consistent approach to quality management is essential for manufacturers aiming to accelerate innovation, achieve flawless production and ensure premium quality. In order to achieve these goals, manufacturers need to remove the boundaries within product lifecycle management (PLM) and expand the focus of their quality management system (QMS) beyond traditional paradigms.

Watch this session to stay updated on the latest developments and innovations in our Teamcenter Quality product line. Became familiar with current and upcoming product capabilities, enabling you to successfully plan your next implementation stages. Discover how your design, manufacturing and quality management teams can benefit from the best practices to ensure that your products achieve excellence.

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발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Katryn Leyh

Solution Domain Quality Manager

Katrin has earned a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering. After her study, Katrin began her professional career in 1991 with IBS in Germany. With the implementation of production, quality and traceability management solutions IBS was a brand leader in the German-speaking market for over 30 years. Katrin worked in various roles including sales, customer relations and product management. Following the full integration of IBS into Siemens in 2016, Katrin has been responsible for global business development for the Siemens sales and services organization in quality management software. Today, Katrin is the Solution Domain Manager for Digital Manufacturing Quality at Siemens Digital Industries Software.

관련 자료

소비재 통합 제조 운영

소비재 통합 제조 운영

Siemens의 Opcenter로 소비재 제조 운영을 혁신하십시오. 스마트하고 통합된 제조 솔루션을 통해 품질을 향상하고 비용을 절감하며 효율성을 높일 수 있습니다. 지금 인포그래픽을 다운로드하십시오.

자동차 산업을 혁신하는 최고의 품질 관리 소프트웨어
Analyst Report

자동차 산업을 혁신하는 최고의 품질 관리 소프트웨어

ABI Research 조사에서 3위를 차지한 Siemens의 QMS는 자동차 제조업체의 품질 유지, 생산성 개선, 전기차로의 전환을 지원합니다.