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Improve the thermal management of an hybrid heavy equipment using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation


Improve the thermal management of an hybrid heavy equipment using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation

In the same way that our human body is affected by a rise of temperature, the performances of a majority of the systems included within heavy equipments are impacted by the capacity of a thermal management system to control an optimized temperature.

To address such a thermal behavior in detail using a model-based approach, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) becomes a key element of the CAE process, even at early design stage. Indeed, CFD simulation for thermal management will allow us to compute virtually the fluid flows and heat transfers between components, to identify earlier any possible overheat.

In this webinar, we address the thermal management of a hybrid excavator, focusing on how CFD simulation can be deployed at several stages of the development cycle to improve the thermal management of the electronics, battery, underhood, or yet the cabin.

Meet the presenter:

À propos de l'intervenant

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Daniel Steen

Solutions Consultant

Mr. Steen specializes in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ and Simcenter FLOEFD. He is educated as an aeronautical engineer and has since assisted major American automotive and heavy equipment manufacturers with the use of STAR-CCM+ for vehicle thermal management simulations since joining CD-adapco (now Siemens) in 2015.