webinaire à la demande

Optimiser la conception et l'ingénierie des systèmes E/E pour les équipements lourds et les véhicules hors route


Équipements lourds et véhicules hors route.

The array of considerations in heavy equipment and off-highway vehicles continues to grow. From the need for lower emissions and noise, to global competition and a drive for more capabilities at a lower cost, many of these concerns must be addressed through the advancement of electrical and electronic (E/E) systems design.

This webinar will discuss how modern software tools can be used to generatively design the E/E systems of heavy equipment and off-highway vehicles, from the E/E architecture definition to revolutionizing the vehicle E/E design process. This process can utilize the standard library of signals and messages from the SAE J1939 standard, the defined functions, and E/E architecture to generate the E/E design.

Generative design accelerates vehicle E/E systems of heavy equipment

This webinar will demonstrate how data consistency within the design flow assures a correct-by-construction design methodology. This will allow engineers to rapidly assess the impact of proposed changes across the entire platform, reducing the risk of unknown consequences to the system design, re-use on future platforms and downstream tools. This will remove repetitive and error-prone tasks throughout the flow. The webinar will also show how an integrated electrical, functional, and network design flow produces more accurate designs while increasing the efficiency of engineers for both near- and far-term projects.

Learn more about accelerating your heavy equipment design with a collaborative design environment for multi-disciplinary design.

Ressources associées

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