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Cre8Ventures partnership with Roofline

Durée estimée : 17 minutes


Cre8Ventures partnership with Roofline

Unlocking Edge AI Potential in Automotive Manufacturing

Join our webinar to discover how Siemens Cre8Ventures and Roofline’s Edge AI solution is transforming automotive manufacturing with smarter, faster, and more efficient processes. Learn how this partnership not only enhances production but also creates a better environment for startups navigating the European Chips Act. Gain valuable insights from industry experts on the future of AI-driven innovation and semiconductor growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the evolving tech landscape!

Register now!

À propos des intervenants

Siemens EDA - Cre8Ventures

Carson Bradbury

Director – EU Chips Act & Co-founder Siemens Cre8Ventures, Siemens EDA

Carson Bradbury serves as Director - EU Chips Act and Co-founder of Siemens Cre8Ventures.

With a focus on harnessing the EU Chips Act to drive innovation across the big data economy, Carson brings a background in innovating and leading international business development vehicles.

His commitment centers on developing a transformative Digital Twin Marketplace that bridges academia, startups, investors, and corporates—enabling faster pathways to value and accelerating impactful collaborations.


Jan Moritz Joseph

CEO and Co-Founder

Jan Moritz Joseph is a co-founder and the CEO or Roofline. Roofline is a German deep-tech startup that makes edge-AI deployment simple with its innovative AI compiler technology. Previously, Dr. Joseph held various roles in research and development of AI and computer architectures. He received multiple awards, e.g., the HiPEAC technology transfer award, the faculty award for his PhD thesis, and he is a member of the Young Academy of the Arts and Sciences in North-Rhine Westphalia.

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