
Advanced Machine Engineering: leverage multi-disciplinary design to build the most comprehensive digital twin

Advanced Machine Engineering: leverage multi-disciplinary design to build the most comprehensive digital twin

Advanced Machine Engineering is a digital thread approach to engineering that enables companies to develop increasingly complex machines faster while lowering developing costs to decrease production and operational costs. Harnessing the complexity machine builders currently face today into a competitive advantage. During this webinar, we discuss the challenges faced by Industrial Machinery manufacturers as they try to address this complexity and examine how multi-disciplinary design can be leveraged to increase both design and manufacturing efficiencies.

Develop the most comprehensive digital twin with a collaborative design framework

It is an intimidating mission to design, validate, and manage modern-day manufacturing and assembly machines to achieve first-class quality while optimizing cost. Advanced machine engineering marries the development of the digital twin with the collaborative design framework of the many disciplines to develop the machine into a complete solution suite. These are complex multidisciplinary designs – combining mechanical, electrical and fluids – requiring a single source of truth in design to address the back-and-forth process that exists between engineering silos.

In today’s competitive environment you need better than machinery design software to gain efficiencies

Machine manufacturers are leveraging a multi-disciplinary design to make their manufacturing more efficient. Multi-disciplinary design optimization is defined as assessing the complexities of building a machine, including engineering the design and manufacturing. It is an integrated solution. Therefore, it is creating harmony in the multi-disciplinary design that did not exist when disciplines and Industrial Machinery software were in silos, thus transitioning into advances in simulation.

Develop increasingly smart machinery faster with Advanced Machine Engineering

The technology and tools are now in place to significantly drive change and exponentially increase efficiency, giving a true competitive advantage to machine builders, helping them to deliver smart machines into the market faster.

Join our webinar to learn how Advanced Machine Engineering embraces multi-disciplinary design to deliver innovations, like the most comprehensive digital twin, to improve all areas of design and manufacturing.