Electronics and semiconductor manufacturing is changing rapidly amid new industrial complexities. Externally, integrated circuit (IC) producers face increasing product/process complexity, converging technical disciplines and emerging sustainable design requirements. Internally, they must produce ICs that contain more processing power and data throughput without extra time, cash, or chip area. Integrating electrical computer-aided design (ECAD) with mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) is the answer, reducing waste and iteration.

In this webinar, Siemens EDA experts will explain how Mentor Graphics' acquisition provides, “unprecedented depth, mechanical and electronic design and manufacturing execution capabilities.”

The importance of electromechanical design integration

Electrical and mechanical design disciplines each have their own tools, part libraries, vocabulary, and methods. However, traditional ECAD and MCAD collaboration happens only occasionally during the design process. Therefore, faults, inconsistencies, iterations and rework are expected each time the ECAD-MCAD designs merge, causing late-stage design changes that can break a manufacturer.

Siemens has the portfolio of solutions that not only creates a system of open collaboration between ECAD and MCAD but also supports other aspects of the electro-mechanical development process: propose, visualize, review, validate, accept or reject, synchronize and track electro-mechanical design changes.

In this webinar learn about:

  • Complexities in the electronics industry
  • Challenges ECAD/MCAD designers face when using legacy processes for complex integration
  • Benefits to working in tandem during the design process
  • Advantages of having tools that facilitate ECAD/MCAD collaboration

Enabling ECAD-MCAD collaboration: Electromechanical design tools for seamless communication

Electronics innovation is advancing at an ever-increasing rate. To contend, Siemens EDA, formerly Mentor graphics, offers the world's largest selection of electrical design automation (EDA) software, hardware and services to help electronics and integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers innovate quicker.

Although collaboration is possible with IDX, vendors of MCAD and ECAD do not always support it equally. In order to effectively facilitate product optimization and ensure MCAD-ECAD collaboration, Siemens can establish a digital thread throughout that will go above-and-beyond communication to support the entire concurrent design practice.
