
What is NX Certification and why should companies be interested?

What is NX Certification and why should companies be interested?

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What is NX Certification and why should companies be interested?

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As a student engineer or designer, you are filled with creative ideas. Learning NX as a tool for all stages of your design process can help you bring these ideas to life within a single software – during university, and beyond.

Watch this session for a demonstration of how to make the most of NX from the perspective of a product design student. Learn how to get started or continue developing your skills in NX.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

Eilidh Dickerson

Marketing, visualization and UX design intern


Intelligent performance engineering is helping deliver the digital twin for production machinery

Intelligent performance engineering is helping deliver the digital twin for production machinery

Watch this webinar demonstrating the power of Simcenter and a comprehensive digital twin in industrial machinery using an example from a production machine.