
22nd Virtual ICE Conference


22nd Virtual ICE Conference

Emissions regulations continue to dominate the development of the internal combustion engine. OEM’s strive to improve fuel efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, with an increasing trend to adopt various technologies that will extend the life of the internal combustion engine far into the future. This needs to be achieved in less time, with fewer resources and whilst modeling the complexity.

This virtual conference aims to present state-of-the-art CFD methods that allow you to perform accurate and predictive in-cylinder CFD simulations. Learn about the latest insights on CFD simulation from our panel of speakers including technical experts, research partners, and industry experts.

The conference features various presentations on the latest and greatest for internal combustion engines:

  • AI/ML Applied to in-cylinder CFD
  • Streamlining the CHT workflow
  • Qualitative and quantitative estimation of engine-out emissions
  • Live demonstration: How to set up a Gasoline simulation in 10 minutes
  • New and upcoming in-cylinder simulation capabilities of Simcenter STAR-CCM+



Siemens Digital Industry Software

沃伦·西利 (Warren Seeley) 博士


沃伦·西利博士目前是 Siemens Digital Industries Software 公司的流体和热能业务开发总监,此项业务属于仿真和测试解决方案的一部分。他常驻底特律,在发动机开发和仿真行业拥有超过 25 年的经验。

他的职业生涯始于英国考文垂大学,在那里他获得了机械工程学士(荣誉)学位,然后攻读了由捷豹路虎赞助的博士学位,专注于使用 STAR-CD 进行缸内 CFD 仿真。

沃伦于 1995 年加入英国福特汽车公司,在那里他开始担任发动机开发组织的 CFD 分析师。在接下来的 18 年里,他在发动机团队中担任过多个职位,包括 CAE 技术专家,之后成为负责测试和仿真的发动机性能开发经理。他还获得了经过认证的六西格玛黑带。

2014 年,沃伦加入美国 Ricardo Software,担任其软件组合的商务经理,专注于汽车行业。

2017 年 7 月,沃伦加入 Siemens Digital Industries Software,主要负责 Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 传统和电子动力总成解决方案战略。自 2021 年 10 月起,他担任业务开发总监。