
Siemens Virtual ICE Conference 2024

预估观看时长:230 分钟


Screenshot from in-cylinder simulation

Join us for our 25th Virtual ICE Conference, where Porsche AG, MAN Energy Solutions SE, and R&D Computational Fluid Dynamics will present their experiences and achievements from their recent research and in-cylinder simulation activities. This will be complemented by presentations from Oxford Brookes University and Oxford University, who have been actively involved in industrial research projects applying Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-Cylinder solution.

What will be the fuel of the future for Internal Combustion Engines?

Internal combustion engines (ICEs) have been the workhorses of transportation for over a century. However, environmental and governmental pressures are forcing companies to move toward more sustainable transportation! With growing concerns about emissions and fossil fuel dependency, the transportation industry is exploring alternative solutions. Beyond electricity, there’s a world of alternative fuels, including hydrogen, biofuels, renewable diesel, and renewable natural gas.

This free online event will allow you to hear from several engine manufacturers on how they are deploying digitalization to investigate the potential of different fuels to develop engines for the future. In addition, you will learn about the new and upcoming capabilities of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-Cylinder Solution to enable an ICE Engineer to become a Hydrogen Combustion Engine Expert. Register now!

Event Agenda (All times EDT):

8:00 EDT: Warren Seeley, Siemens Digital Industries Software - “Welcome & Introduction”

8:10 EDT: Dr Giuseppe Cicalese, R&D Computational Fluid Dynamics - “Thermal characterization of a large bore 2-stroke marine engine”

8:30 EDT: Bhuvaneswaran Manickam, MAN Energy Solutions SE - “Numerical modelling and validation of HPDI methanol/diesel combustion for marine engines”

8:50 EDT: Samuel Baker, Oxford University - “Analysis of vector magnitudes from ensembles of in-cylinder flow data”

9:10 EDT: Andrea Berton, Porsche AG - "Methodology to simulate port injection using Star-CCM+ In-Cylinder"

9:30 EDT: Dr. Fabrizio Bonatesta, Oxford Brookes University - “CFD modelling of mixture homogeneity in direct injection hydrogen engines”

9:50 EDT: Prof. Stefano Fontanesi, Siemens Digital Industries Software - “How to move from being an Internal Combustion Engine engineer (ICEE) to a Hydrogen Combustion Engine expert (HYCEE)?”

10:10 EDT: Alexandros Panagoulias, Siemens Digital Industries Software – “New and upcoming capabilities of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-Cylinder Solution”

10:50 EDT: Panel discussion and Q&A

11:10 EDT: Warren Seeley, Siemens Digital Industries Software – “Closing remarks”


Siemens Digital Industry Software

沃伦·西利 (Warren Seeley) 博士


沃伦·西利博士目前是 Siemens Digital Industries Software 公司的流体和热能业务开发总监,此项业务属于仿真和测试解决方案的一部分。他常驻底特律,在发动机开发和仿真行业拥有超过 25 年的经验。

他的职业生涯始于英国考文垂大学,在那里他获得了机械工程学士(荣誉)学位,然后攻读了由捷豹路虎赞助的博士学位,专注于使用 STAR-CD 进行缸内 CFD 仿真。

沃伦于 1995 年加入英国福特汽车公司,在那里他开始担任发动机开发组织的 CFD 分析师。在接下来的 18 年里,他在发动机团队中担任过多个职位,包括 CAE 技术专家,之后成为负责测试和仿真的发动机性能开发经理。他还获得了经过认证的六西格玛黑带。

2014 年,沃伦加入美国 Ricardo Software,担任其软件组合的商务经理,专注于汽车行业。

2017 年 7 月,沃伦加入 Siemens Digital Industries Software,主要负责 Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 传统和电子动力总成解决方案战略。自 2021 年 10 月起,他担任业务开发总监。

Oxford Brookes University

Dr. Fabrizio Bonatesta

Propulsion & Pollution Modelling (PPM) Group

R&D Computational Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Giuseppe Cicalese

Chief Executive Officer


安德里亚·伯顿 (Andrea Berton)

CFD 仿真工程师

MAN Energy Solutions SE

布瓦内斯瓦兰·马尼卡姆 (Bhuvaneswaran Manickam)


Oxford University

Sam Baker

Ph.D. Student, part of Prosperity Partnership funded project

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Prof. Stefano Fontanesi, PhD

Professor at UniMORE, ICE Technical Expert

Siemens Digital Industries Software

亚历山德罗斯·帕纳古利亚斯 (Alexandros Panagoulias)

