
Increase the acoustic performance of consumer electronics with simulation and test

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Less time, less cost, simulation

When it comes to acoustic performance, consumers hold electronic products to a high standard. Consumers expect these electronics to provide an optimal user experience and run quietly, with many considering quiet products as higher quality. Conversely, it’s not only about noise suppression. Optimizing the acoustic performance of loudspeakers and microphones is key to the perceived quality of audio products. Producing powerful, high-quality consumer goods requires advanced noise engineering and sound characterization.

Watch the webinar to understand how a combined simulation and test approach in the early design stages delivers critical acoustic performance insights and enables innovation in less time and at a lower cost.

Deliver critical acoustic performance insight and allow innovation in less time and at a lower cost

Watch the webinar to understand how a combined simulation and test approach in the early design stages delivers critical acoustic performance insights and enables innovation in less time and at a lower cost.

Why acoustic testing is important in the early development stages for consumer electronics

Designers of consumer electronics can also quickly evaluate multiple scenarios without expensive prototypes or delaying production. With a combination of simulation and test in early design, design teams unlock the ability to deliver critical acoustic performance insights to ensure the best product can be made at a competitive price.

Consumer electronics companies face challenges with increased complexity, new technology adoption and quick responses to emerging market trends. Miniaturization, high power density, increased cooling needs and lower cost goals add to the existing pressure to bring products to market faster. Developing leading and performant electronic products requires an innovative and adaptive engineering approach. Companies using acoustic testing in the early development stages can benchmark competitive products, pre-select components, and deliver data for use in simulation models.


Siemens Digital Industries Software

弗兰克·德梅斯梅克 (Frank Demesmaeker)


弗兰克·德梅斯梅克于 1994 年毕业于比利时鲁汶大学土木工程专业,之后就职于 LMS 国际(现已成为西门子的一员),负责比荷卢地区的客户技术支持工作。多年来,他通过全球的客户服务经历,从技术、商业和营销的角度,在噪声和振动领域积累了深厚的知识储备和丰富的实践经验。弗兰克目前正在致力于将测试应用推广到能源、医疗、消费品、船舶、教育机构以及更广泛的机械市场。

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Ramana Kappagantu

Pre-Sales Solutions Consultant

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering– Michigan State University and Ph.D. Thesis on Friction Induced Vibrations, Dr. Kappagantu, has been working with Siemens DISW for the past 14+ years combining simulation and testing towards engineering productivity.
