
SOA trends and finding optimal values for new vehicle ECU parameters

Realize LIVE | Capital | Automotive and transportation | Electronics


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Vehicle designers sees service oriented architecture (SOA), as a critical cornerstone of the electrical and electronic (E/E) architecture for the modern vehicle. Here, we look into the benefits of SOA and discuss integration challenges of SOA in combination with new and existing communication and software design patterns for a cost and time efficient solution that satisfies system requirements.

Watch this presentation to learn about the importance of communication network design and embedded software implementation to achieve a consistent and efficient vehicle system and how Siemens proposes to solve the SOA integration of hybrid networks.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software

马赛厄斯·弗里茨森 (Mathias Fritzson)


在马赛厄斯的职业生涯中,有近二十年的时间都专注于汽车行业嵌入式开发、软件设计以及多路复用通信。他对汽车系统抱有浓厚的兴趣,并始终保持着对技术的好奇心,这使他能够在诸多领域肩负重任,包括大规模 ECU 生产项目、功能安全研究项目,以及基础技术开发、标准化和客车验证技术。在过去十年间,马赛厄斯供职于 AUTOSAR,致力于推广使用 AUTOSAR 标准,同时还负责产品开发,助力客户取得成功。他目前担任 Capital Embedded 产品经理。马赛厄斯负责监管产品开发和营销活动。

