To analyze the manufacturing costs of your suppliers and/or your products in comparison to the competition, a reliable database as a decision-making tool is indispensable.
Watch our webinar and learn how the latest developments of our cost engineering solution can help you analyze your potential more precisely and provides you the decisive time advantage in turbulent markets.
Our experts will showcase a product cost calculation and provide answers to common questions, such as:
To be able to conduct accurate should-cost-calculations we provide full-fledged global reference data, including raw material prices and industry overheads.
We provide up-to-date global production site data (e.g., labor cost rates, electricity costs, real estate costs, etc.) and new machines to support additional manufacturing technologies (e.g., aluminum extrusion, casting, sintering, Hot forging, etc.)
Updated knowledge domain for more accurate pre-configured manufacturing processes.
All these answers enable you to estimate expected costs before supplier proposals are received, and thus optimally prepare for pending price negotiations.
EMEA Zone Portfolio Development Executive for Teamcenter Product Cost Management
Teamcenter Product Cost Management 美洲地区产品组合开发主管
约翰·莫尼卡 (John Monica) 是 Siemens Digital Industries Software 公司 Teamcenter Product Cost Management 的美洲产品组合开发主管。
在这个职位上,他负责为多个行业的 OEM 和供应商提供符合其产品成本管理需求的软件解决方案。
约翰拥有多个制造行业超过 30 年的经验,具有产品和工具成本管理、大型装配/车辆成本累积、企业转型和运营改进方面的背景。
2015 年加入西门子之前,约翰曾在多家咨询机构任职,为全球汽车和航空航天/国防行业的客户提供咨询服务。他花费了 5 年的时间在一家大型汽车制造企业负责开发和成本估算实施,包括组建工程造价部门。