
Evolving from lean to smart manufacturing

Thriving in the era of semiconductor transformation

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Two engineers stand on the factory floor looking at manufacturing plans.

Like other semiconductor companies, you have relied on lean manufacturing techniques for decades. It's a matter of survival. You need lean manufacturing efficiencies to minimize waste and maximize productivity, but they don't provide everything you need for today's rapidly evolving market. The time has come to gain what you've been missing—to shift from lean manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

With smart manufacturing, you connect every aspect of manufacturing to gather the real-time data you need to make intelligent decisions, whether it's a business decision, an engineering decision or a maintenance decision required to prevent any adverse event from happening. With better connectivity among systems, managers gain more visibility into production steps, enabling them to detect and address potential errors earlier in the process.

So, how do you shift from lean manufacturing to smart manufacturing? Find out when you attend this webinar.

Key Takeaways

To evolve from lean to Smart Manufacturing, learn how to leverage:

  • The virtual representation of the manufacturing process
  • Closed loop real-time reporting and analytics
  • Seamless collaboration across disciplines


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Michael Munsey

Vice President of Semiconductor Industry

Munsey leverages his extensive background in global business development, strategy, sales, and marketing to drive semiconductor technology advancements at Siemens. With over 30 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, he has held leadership positions at prominent companies like Perforce, Methodics, Dassault Systèmes, and Cadence prior to joining Siemens.

Munsey began his career in semiconductor design at IBM after obtaining degrees from Tufts University. He actively contributes to several industry groups focused on setting standards and shaping the direction of the semiconductor sector. Additionally, Munsey is involved with Tau Beta Pi, the prestigious engineering honors society.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

桑卡吉特·查克拉博蒂 (Sankhajit Chakraborty)


桑卡吉特·查克拉博蒂在他 25 多年的领导管理经验中曾在半导体/电子跨国公司工作。他领导实施了多个 M&A、PLM、EDA、供应链和制造系统实施。桑卡吉特目前担任电子和半导体行业解决方案和战略全球总监,为开发新的或增强的产品功能、典范实践、方法、工具和解决方案提供架构监督、广泛的解决方案视图和市场价值定义,以确保客户和行业与 Siemens Xcelerator 产品组合保持一致。