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It is becoming more challenging to deliver safety-assured products and achieve cost-effectiveness for modern aircraft. Market demands for performance, sustainability, and secured personalized services have driven industry investment into more complex and electrified solutions. It has become a critical risk and a challenge for a manufacturer to effectively ensure the safety of new generation products, designed with sophisticated, automated systems and complex power distribution architecture.
Whether analyzing voltage drop across systems or ensuring that the circuit breaker/contactor selections follow safety requirements, it is challenging to use a manual, document-based, and disconnected method applied throughout the design and compliance-assuring process. This creates a huge bottleneck that causes potential compliance risk to the product due to its error-prone and limited coverage nature.
Watch this session to learn a better way to ensure electrical distribution system design compliance.
镇宇是集成式电气系统(IES)的产品经理,为我们的合规产品提供支持。他在西门子工作了五年多,在售前担任过多种职务,包括我们的 EDS 设计流程支持以及 Capital Systems 和 Capital Connectivity 领域的产品管理。镇宇持有英国伦敦帝国理工学院电气与电子工程学士和硕士学位。
佳伟是 IES 的产品经理,负责我们的合规性产品。她在电气系统设计领域工作了 14 年以上。在加入西门子之前,她在航空航天行业工作了 7 年,负责电气系统集成设计、配电设计和产品管理。佳伟持有中国哈工大电气工程学士和硕士学位。