


预估观看时长:61 分钟





  • 最关键的 A&D 供应链问题是什么
  • 为什么需要积极主动并“向左跳跃”以在这些问题发生之前将其解决
  • 如何开始使用市场情报来消除过时的流程
  • 利用数字化转型如何帮助行业建立互联、完全可追溯的基于云的供应链
  • 采用新方法可以实现的目标


Siemens Digital Industries Software

托德·塔特希尔 (Todd Tuthill)


托德·塔特希尔 (Todd Tuthill) 是 Siemens Digital Industries Software 航空航天及国防战略和市场副总裁。托德在航空航天及国防业拥有 30 多年经验并于 2022 年 6 月加入西门子。托德在系统设计领域拥有丰厚的工程背景,曾出任功能工程和项目主管职位,并对数字化转型抱有坚强的信念。在其职业生涯中,托德曾在麦道/波音、穆格、雷神和西门子担任过航空航天主管职位。他在航空航天及国防 (A&D) 项目的各个领域都有丰富的经验,包括设计、基于模型的系统建模、软件工程、精益产品开发、供应商/合作伙伴管理和项目管理。在西门子的新职位上,他是推动整个 A&D 行业数字化转型的热情倡导者。

Supplyframe - a Siemens Company

Ryan Chan

Vice President of Solutions Consulting at Supplyframe

Ryan Chan serves as the global VP of Solutions Consulting for Supplyframe’s (a Siemens company) SaaS offerings. He began his extensive career in supply chain design at Saint-Gobain, a distinguished French manufacturing firm, and further honed his skills in network optimization at Toys R Us. As an early adopter of LLamasoft's Supply Chain Guru, Ryan joined the firm when its team numbered just 30. Over the next decade, he watched it grow to more than 750 employees. During his tenure, Ryan held roles ranging from Consulting to Product Management and assisted numerous Fortune 100 companies in transforming their supply chains with optimization, simulation and AI/ML techniques. After LLamasoft's acquisition by Coupa, Ryan transitioned to Symphony Retail AI as the SVP of Solutions and Value Consulting. There, he consolidated a global presales team of 30 and initiated a comprehensive Value Engineering program.

Ryan holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Patty Russo

A&D Industry Global Strategy and Marketing Senior Manager

Patty Russo is Aerospace & Defense (A&D) Industry Global Strategy and Marketing Senior Manager for Siemens Digital Industries Software. In this role she manages the global messaging and marketing for the A&D industry. She joined Siemens in June of 2022. Prior to joining Siemens, she served as marketing director for an industry leading financial IT consulting firm, founded and managed a creative and communications consulting business for 17 years, and held creative, strategy, and account leadership roles with marketing and media production agencies serving fortune 500 companies. Her 30+ years of experience includes branding, marketing strategy, messaging, creative direction, and content creation.