
Siemens defines the digital thread for aerospace & defense

The foundation for digital transformation

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Multiple airplanes are shown parked at an airport from overhead. An infinity symbol sits underneath one of the planes, representing digital transformation.

At Siemens, digital threads are our roadmap of industry-specific business workflows. They digitally connect all tasks and processes in the value chain based on the challenges to be solved and provide the foundation for digital transformation that revolutionizes the way products are developed, produced and optimized. Recent CIMdata research indicates that digital thread investment within the ecosystem of industrial users, their customers, suppliers and solution providers is poised for rapid growth.

Aerospace digital thread

In this webinar, Todd Tuthill and Jim Roche will educate participants on how initial implementations of targeted aerospace digital thread solutions have provided proof points of value and essential learnings. They will guide you through the digital thread’s rise to prominence in the value footprint as well as go through case studies of digital thread realization, keeping in view the larger data landscape that is core to the value of the digital thread.

Aerospace digital transformation

Five levels of aerospace digital transformation maturity are outlined in the webinar. They are:

  • Configuration
  • Connection
  • Automation
  • Generative design
  • Closed-loop optimization

Watch the webinar to get an overview of the five levels of aerospace digital transformation maturity and to learn where the aerospace industry is currently in its digital transformation. CIMdata research will help round out your knowledge as it offers insights into the industry’s progress and challenges companies are facing as they work toward digital transformation and establishing an aerospace digital thread.



Jim Roche

Aerospace and Defense Practice Director

Jim Roche has 30-plus years of experience in product development and manufacturing transformation as a strategic advisor to PLM programs across the Americas, Europe and Asia. As CIMdata’s aerospace and defense practice director, he facilitates the cooperation and expansion of the PLM value footprint within and across participants in the value chain and administers the A&D PLM Action Group.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

托德·塔特希尔 (Todd Tuthill)


托德·塔特希尔 (Todd Tuthill) 是 Siemens Digital Industries Software 航空航天及国防战略和市场副总裁。托德在航空航天及国防业拥有 30 多年经验并于 2022 年 6 月加入西门子。托德在系统设计领域拥有丰厚的工程背景,曾出任功能工程和项目主管职位,并对数字化转型抱有坚强的信念。在其职业生涯中,托德曾在麦道/波音、穆格、雷神和西门子担任过航空航天主管职位。他在航空航天及国防 (A&D) 项目的各个领域都有丰富的经验,包括设计、基于模型的系统建模、软件工程、精益产品开发、供应商/合作伙伴管理和项目管理。在西门子的新职位上,他是推动整个 A&D 行业数字化转型的热情倡导者。
