
Accelerate electrical schematic creation

预估观看时长:20 分钟


Accelerate electrical schematic creation

During this 20-minute webinar, learn how to create electrical schematic designs quickly and easily using powerful and intelligent software tools, while also verifying circuit behavior and validating electrical integrity. Discover how wiring schematics can be reused for the benefit of downstream content, such as 2D panel layouts, terminal plans, and reports.

Key learnings

  • How to quickly create intelligent wiring schematics.
  • How to check for electrical completeness with Design Rule Checks and circuit analyses.
  • How the reuse of schematic design data can drive downstream activities, such as cabinet layout design, Terminal Plans, and Reports.


Siemens Digital Industries Software

凯文·莫兰 (Kevin Moran)


凯文于 2018 年加入西门子主流工程全球技术支持团队,他工作的主要目标和重心是开发新的 Solid Edge 电气设计产品。除了为客户提供产品专业知识外,凯文还帮助编撰和分发了市场、销售以及预售附属资料。在过去的 25 年中,凯文一直从事于设计/工程/制造。凯文的大部分时间都奉献给了 CAD/PLM 行业。在这段时间里,凯文一直为渠道合作伙伴和供应商提供服务。凯文还曾从事增材制造行业若干年。
