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Improve LNG Safety with Cryogenic Droplet Dispersion Simulation

Improve LNG Safety with Cryogenic Droplet Dispersion Simulation

Get an insight into how Atkins uses digital twin models to understand leak behavior and ensure LNG plant safety:

As the world moves to a lower carbon footprint, the importance of natural gas is increasing in the balance of energy distribution. Following a liquefaction process, liquefied natural gas (LNG) proves to be very convenient for transportation over large distances. On the other hand, this process involves cryogenic cooling which brings new challenges to guarantee LNG plant safety in terms of design and safety.

This presentation gives more insights into how Atkins Engineering and Consulting uses digital twin models to explore new designs, reducing cryogenic fluid propagation and structure fracture risks, as well as validating fluid collection strategy efficiency.

You will learn:

  • How to use CFD simulation to better understand cryogenic release phenomena
  • How to identify, obtain and process the key data you need to drive design decision

Accessing LNG plant safety is important:

Owner and operators, engineering and construction services teams, looking to guarantee energy and utilities assets integrity as well as worker safety, can deploy accurate Digital Twin in the design of oil & gas systems. Learn how to implement a simulation-based approach to avoid costly LNG plant safety defaults.

Meet our LNG safety expert Dr. Ian Cowan:

Dr. Ian Cowan is a Technical Director, Engineering & Consulting, Oil & Gas, Atkins. He is a technical authority for fluid mechanics, specializing in advanced consequence modeling and CFD. Dr. Cowan has 25 years of experience in a project in the oil and gas, power, and other industries, and had worked on a wide range of projects from a concept level through the detailed design, including on-shore and floating LNG plant safety projects.

Key benefits: How oil and gas simulation software helps improve LNG plant safety:

Understand the fluid mixture and their phases will support the simulation assumption definition and so the correct software to be used to be sure all these assumptions are well-considered. And Atkins really found the correct complexity to model reality thanks to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ CFD capabilities. Simcenter It is a powerful tool for examining cryogenic process leaks, and also allows using a wide range of models to understand leak behavior, and improve LNG plant design.