webinar na żądanie

Leveraging Siemens Xcelerator to complete the MBSE digital thread

Realize LIVE | Teamcenter | Automotive and transportation | Lifecycle management

Szacowany czas: 34 min


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Leveraging Siemens Xcelerator to complete the MBSE digital thread

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Watch this session to learn about a practical use case to leverage the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio to connect the MBSE digital thread from concept design through engineering.

Explore requirements and parameter development in Teamcenter, connecting those requirements and parameters into System Modeling Workbench for concept architecture design and then connecting those same parameters into NX / Simcenter for detail design and verification. This iterative design cycle will leverage Teamcenter Test and Verification to demonstrate the closed-loop verification and validation process.

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Poznaj naszego eksperta

Siemens Digital Industries Software

William Hahn

Director, Solutions consulting

Powiązane treści

Zaawansowane planowanie i harmonogramowanie (APS) dla producentów maszyn przemysłowych

Zaawansowane planowanie i harmonogramowanie (APS) dla producentów maszyn przemysłowych

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