webinar na żądanie

Intel PADK and Reference Flows for EMIB-based Advanced Packaging


Intel Satish Surana

Advanced Packaging architectures are crucial to drive performance and cost improvements of microelectronics systems. This popular DAC 2023 presentation walks you through Intel's work on Package Assembly Design Kit's (PADK), reference design flows, and EDA enablement on EMIB advanced packaging.

In this video you will learn:

  • What EMIB is
  • The package design challenges surrounding EMIB
  • Why we need Package Assembly Design Kits (PADK)
  • What a PADK is comprised of
  • What an EMIB package design reference flow looks like
  • State of Intel EDA enablement in the Siemens ecosystem
  • What's next: "Beyond PADK"

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Intel Corporation

Satish Surana

Director and Principal Engineer