webinar na żądanie

Accelerate equipment design using product design software

Szacowany czas: 40 min


A piece of heavy equipment designed with product software

Time is the critical element to drive revenue in the heavy equipment industry. Manufacturers have to accelerate the way they quote, build, and deliver equipment profitability.

But how can heavy equipment manufacturers embrace complexity, shorten lead times, and still make sure that the equipment delivers the performance, quality, reliability and cost that customers demand? It’s time to adopt a world-class digital equipment design and development process where digital twin technology allows for seamless optimization and validation.

Register for this webinar to learn more about how heavy equipment manufacturers can accelerate equipment design with product design software to be faster, despite more design variants and growing complexity.

Digital twin technology allows for seamless optimization and validation

Accelerating heavy equipment design may seem impossible because of rising complexity. As a recent Tech-Clarity report shares, equipment design and development complexity has grown along five dimensions. For example, equipment has become smarter, more autonomous, and further connected with other equipment and infrastructure than ever. Equipment manufacturers can’t avoid this complexity and instead must embrace it to drive a competitive advantage.

Manufacturing process management helps streamline the digital design and development process

Manufacturers can streamline the digital design and development process by adopting the following four key disciplines:

  1. Comprehensive digital twin
  2. Integrated and automated design tools
  3. Cross-discipline collaboration
  4. Program and manufacturing process management

Join this webinar to hear Jim Brown, President of Tech-Clarity, share the results of his recent research Increasing Equipment Design Velocity which shows how equipment manufacturers can accelerate complex equipment design, leading to greater growth and profitability.

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Jim Brown


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