webinar na żądanie

Overcome product variability challenges with PLM software

By implementing a PLM system heavy equipment companies can improve the product development process and empower innovation.

Szacowany czas: 59 min


Paver heavy equipment on a road

Product development has only grown more challenging as heavy equipment complexity increases with different mechanical, electronic, and software components. The number of different product variations increases exponentially for companies developing multiple custom products.

This webinar focuses on embracing complexity and using product variability to your advantage.

Find out how maximizing the reuse of product variations from engineering to manufacturing drives innovation and propels heavy equipment manufacturers forward.

Improve the product development cycle

The best PLM solutions support the full spectrum of product variability:

  • Configure-to-order products with a defined set of supported variants
  • More complex products with an exponential number of possible variations and combinations
  • Engineer-to-order products that require new variants of parts and designs with every order

The sheer volume of possible combinations associated with heavy equipment product variability requires a tool to create the combinations and manage all of them over time. Manufacturers can embrace this challenge by bringing product variability to the forefront in the production definition and design process to maximize reuse and commonality while reducing engineering effort.

A PLM solution should deliver full visibility of the variance of a product suite, enabling each discipline to manage areas of configuration unique to their domains within a common framework.

Watch this webinar and see firsthand how a PLM solution can improve the product development cycle to drive innovation in the face of increasingly high product variation.

Poznaj naszego eksperta

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Juergen Bauer

Kierownik produktu

Juergen Bauer rozpoczął swoją karierę jako inżynier w branży motoryzacyjnej w 1997 roku, jako specjalista głęboko zaangażowany w konfiguratory produktów. Był głównym architektem w sektorze Siemens Industry przy wdrażaniu Teamcenter jako szkieletu rozwiązań PLM dla klienta. Juergen dysponuje dogłębną wiedzą na temat koncepcji, trendów, wymagań i najlepszych praktyk w zakresie konfiguracji produktów u wielu klientów z branży motoryzacyjnej, lotniczej, maszynowej i towarów konsumpcyjnych. W swojej obecnej roli Juergen jest odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie produktami Teamcenter Product Configurator i Rulestream.

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