온디맨드 웨비나

Change management solutions for the wire harness business

예상 소요 시간: 60분


E/E systems development – change management for wire harness manufacturing and engineering

The continually evolving automotive industry faces multiple challenges owing to the demand for advanced features, the advent of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving, and the growing need for electrification. These megatrends directly impact and create the need for a highly sophisticated automotive electrical and electronic (E/E) system, emphasizing the wiring harness.

At the same time, the surge in demand for mass customization is driving up the number of unique vehicle configurations, increasing the wiring harness's complexity and variance now more than ever.

This webinar is the third part of our KSK series and will shed light on challenges in change management and how advanced harness manufacturing engineering solutions can help. Register now!

What you will learn:

  • Change management in the wire harness business
  • KSK model & its challenges in manufacturing engineering
  • Software tools for manufacturing engineering and change management

Previous KSK wiring harness manufacturing webinars

In part one of this webinar series hosted by Siemens, Pavel Nosek, an expert on Kundenspezifischer Kabelbaum (a German term for customer-specific wiring harness) shared an introduction to the KSK philosophy, and examples of the intricacies of KSK wiring harness manufacturing, the big data surrounding it and the need to make effective use of this data to be successful.

Part two dove deeper and shared examples of how the right software solution can support manufacturing engineers and help them utilize already existing data from the design engineers during the first manufacturing data preparation.

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Pavel Nosek

Technical Product Manager – Principal

Pavel Nosek has worked as a manufacturing engineering manager for customer-specific wire harness production (KSK) for many years. Since 2018, he has been with Siemens Digital Industries Software as a technical product manager. Previously, as a global manufacturing engineer, he worked on the KSK concept implementation at Yazaki and has experience overseeing KSK production with OEMs such as VW, BMW, GM, JLR, Mercedes, Toyota, and others.

관련 자료

FAW에서는 Siemens Digital Industries Software 솔루션 및 서비스를 통해 일관된 모델링 방식을 개발합니다
Case Study

FAW에서는 Siemens Digital Industries Software 솔루션 및 서비스를 통해 일관된 모델링 방식을 개발합니다

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