온디맨드 웨비나

SDV trends lead to cloud-based development environment

예상 소요 시간: 54분


Digital twin of a vehicle on a manufacturing line.

As Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) trends continue to gain momentum, the automotive industry is witnessing a profound shift toward more complex domain-centric architectures. These advancements necessitate agile development cycles to meet evolving consumer demands.

In response, the integration of cloud-based development and testing environments has emerged as a game-changer. By leveraging cloud infrastructure, automotive teams can enhance efficiency, foster collaboration, and improve adaptability throughout the development process.

Siemens Xcelerator's offering for Capital Embedded Tooling and Runtime stands out with its key differentiation aspects. Offering instant cloud-based delivery for accelerated access, a flexible platform for seamless adaptation and user upgrades, as well as a payment distribution model tailored to yearly demand, Siemens Xcelerator empowers automotive manufacturers to stay ahead in the era of SDV innovation.

What you will learn:

  • What the shift to SDV means
  • How to increase efficiency, collaboration and actability throughout your development team
  • Ways to increase speed of access, flexibility

Who will benefit:

  • Engineering Manager
  • Platform/AUTOSAR development team
  • IT tool manager

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Armin Lichtblau

Product Management Director, Embedded / AUTOSAR

Armin Lichtblau는 임베디드 분야의 리더로서 IES의 이사직을 맡고 있으며 빠르게 성장하는 AUTOSAR 시장을 위한 솔루션에 주력합니다.

Armin은 반도체와 임베디드 비즈니스에서 30년의 경력을 자랑하며 Mentor 외에도 Qualcomm, IAR Systems, Texas Instruments에서 전략적 신제품 정의와 시장 배치를 담당했습니다. 주력 분야는 자동차(인포테인먼트, 안전 및 차체 전자 장치, E-car 시스템 등) 산업이지만 통신 및 공업 분야에도 경력이 있습니다.

댈러스에 있는 SMU에서 마이크로일렉트로닉스 공학 학위와 MBA를 취득했습니다.

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