온디맨드 웨비나

Nokia: Experience in Adopting HLS and HLV Methodology

예상 소요 시간: 13분


Title slide from Nokia: Experience in Adopting High-Level Synthesis and High-Level Verification Methodology

Ever increasing requirements for shorter time to market and better resource usage are challenging us to explore different ways on how to improve our design and verification methodology. One of the solutions Nokia has explored is raising abstraction level in both RTL design and verification with the help of High-Level Synthesis and Verification tools.

발표자 소개


Eerik Niskanen

IP verification lead in Nokia Digital Front End ASIC

Eerik has been working in Nokia since 2019. He is currently focusing on UVM and High Level Verification and is a key member of HLS core team for Digital Front End SoCs.

관련 자료

Korean Catapult High-Level Synthesis and Verification
Fact Sheet

Korean Catapult High-Level Synthesis and Verification

Korean Verification (HLV) tools and methodologies that enable designers to complete their verification signoff at the C++ level with fast closure for RTL.