온디맨드 웨비나

Network design software for E/E systems in heavy equipment

Realize LIVE | Capital | Automotive and transportation | Electronics


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Communication networks are a critical aspect of all modern commercial vehicles. The increasing complexity coming from electrification, advanced driver assistance and automation, fleet management, and V2X connectivity increases demands on network communication design to a level that stresses traditional protocols and breaks existing design processes and methods. Program timing risks, from design issues detected during physical testing or later, in the age of digital transformation should be detectable sooner and need to be traced back to design decisions.

Watch this session to explore the challenges of commercial vehicles network design, managing a hybrid mixture of traditional and newer network technologies, considering full end-to-end behavior. Discover how Siemens delivers keys to success with our model-based, multi-protocol communication network design solution to reduce costs, enhance quality and avoid costly program iterations.

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발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Martin Wennberg

Domain Lead, Siemens Integrated Electrical Systems Networks

Martin은 20년 넘게 차량 내 네트워크 및 임베디드 SW 분야에서 일하면서 항공 전자, AGV, ATM 및 지능형 백색 가전을 담당해 왔습니다. 그는 Mentor에서 기술 마케팅, 애플리케이션 엔지니어, 솔루션 설계자에 이르기까지 다양한 직책을 역임했으며 최근에는 AUTOSAR 임베디드 조정 팀을 이끌었습니다. 현재는 광범위한 배포를 위한 제품 최적화에 집중하기 위해 네트워크 영역 책임자로 전환했습니다.

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