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Multiphase flow simulation to support Asgard field life extension


Multiphase flow simulation to support Asgard field life extension

Offshore Asgard Subsea Compression was successfully brought on stream in September 2015 boosting the gas pressure from the Midgard and Mikkel fields. Going forwards with project phase 2, a possibility to increase the pressure ratio has been identified by means of introducing wet gas compression which is achieved by purposely injecting liquid upstream of each compressor.

This presentation will cover a co-operation between Aker Solutions and Equinor initiated with the goal of determining how a multiphase flow split can be predictively modelled with Simcenter™ STAR-CCM+™ software in the subsea framework. Measurements from subsea operations will be compared to purpose built Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models showing how high-fidelity simulations in Simcenter STAR CCM+ today can be used to predict the complex mechanisms behind a three-phase uneven flow split.

Speaker: Andreas Martinsson

발표자 소개

Aker Solutions

Andreas Martinsson

CFD 전문 엔지니어

Andreas Martinson은 Aker Solutions의 CFD 분야에서 다상 흐름 및 열 응용 분야의 핵심 역량을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 2012년에 입사한 이래 Aker Solutions의 CFD 사용을 유정에서 상부 시설에 이르기까지 전체 제품 포트폴리오에 적용되는 매우 가치 있는 도구로 발전시키는 데 기여해 왔습니다.