온디맨드 웨비나

Learn how closed loop manufacturing drives innovation and cost reduction

On-demand webinar focused on mastering medical device compliance

예상 소요 시간: 51분


Ultrasound screen in an operating room with doctors and surgeons in the background

<p>With increased complexity and changing global supply chains and regulatory landscape, medical device companies are under pressure to better analyze data and improve processes. There is a vast amount of manual data collected on a daily basis, and some companies are still using paper-based processes in manufacturing. Being able to turn data into intelligence to support better quality products is important. So is having closed-loop manufacturing (CLM) capabilities. </p>
<p>Closed-loop manufacturing is the key to cost reduction and can help drive innovation. Gain a competitive edge with new product innovation and reduce the amount of product recalls. </p>
<p>Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to use closed-loop manufacturing to your advantage. </p>

발표자 소개

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Jeff Morris

Product Manager - Interoperability

Jeff came to Siemens through the acquisition of Camstar in 2014 and continued in his role as a Solution Architect delivering a wide range of MES solutions to customers in the medical device, semiconductor, and discrete manufacturing industries.

In 2019 transitioned from providing services and implementing Siemens’s portfolio of products to developing the products Siemens offered as a Product Manager.

Now the focus is on managing Siemens interoperability products. More specifically, providing out-of-the-box integration of Teamcenter with the Opcenter MOM portfolio.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Silvio Saouaf

Product Portfolio/Management Lead

Silviois는 Siemens Digital Industries Software의 제품 포트폴리오/관리 책임자로서 MES(제조 실행 시스템)를 중점적으로 담당하고 있습니다. 그는 20여 년간 글로벌 제조업체와 함께 기업 제조 전략 및 솔루션을 개발하여 운영 우수성과 혁신을 주도해 온 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 전기 공학 학사 및 석사 학위를 취득했으며 미국 노스캐롤라이나에 거주하고 있습니다.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Chiara Ceccopieri

Industry Solution Marketing - Medical Device & Pharmaceutical

Chiara has a scientific degree in Science and has experience in pharmaceutical and medical devices Class I, III, III.

Now focus on Siemens MOM products serving the Medical Devices and Diagnostics d Pharma industry.

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