온디맨드 웨비나

Managing cybersecurity risks with Sigrid

Realize LIVE | Polarion | Lifecycle management | Automotive and transportation

예상 소요 시간: 18분


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Managing cybersecurity risks with Sigrid

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Modern software development requires early cybersecurity risk detection. A high-tech, remote work culture that encompasses AI, IoT, mobile devices, and cloud has increased the risk of cyber-attack. Cyber-attacks can cost your organization money, interrupt operations, damage its reputation, and put it in violation of regulations.

Watch this session to learn about Software Improvement Group's Sigrid for constant security awareness, regardless of system size. SBOM generation and ISO 21434 compliance are seamless thanks to the incorporation with Polarion. Tibor Lapikas presents Sigrid’s cybersecurity capabilities and demonstrates its ease of use and unparalleled security prioritization capabilities.

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발표자 소개

Software Improvement Group

Tibor Lapikas

Delivery director partner

관련 자료