온디맨드 웨비나

IT systems for capital projects

예상 소요 시간: 20분


Nuclear plant with reflecting pond

<p>Within the energy industry, capital projects are growing in complexity, frequently delaying project completions and increasing costs. This is occurring as energy businesses navigate market volatility and transition to more sustainable operations.</p><p>Watch our on-demand webinar to learn why Siemens has partnered with SAP, a global leader in the ERP and SCM industry, to provide an intelligent asset management solution that uses data to optimize capital asset performance across the entire lifecycle.</p><h2>Digital software for capital intensive industry</h2><p>To thrive in a capital intensive industry such as energy, businesses are working to integrate their digital and physical assets. These organizations use many types of software solutions as the backbone of business processes, including product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM). While each software solution provides value, companies gain significantly greater value using integrated solutions. Watch the webinar to learn how integrating Teamcenter CALM with SAP core business systems synergistically improves business and operations performance.</p><h2>Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) software</h2><p>With today’s ultra-volatile oil and gas prices, many energy businesses struggle to increase profits while improving their sustainability. The complex nature of the energy industry also makes it difficult for departments inside companies to collaborate, resulting in organizational silos that stifle innovation and communication. By adopting engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) software, EPC companies in particular receive dramatic benefits, including improved alignment between construction and engineering teams. Learn how to improve critical planning and execution decisions by watching the webinar. </p><h2>Capital project examples</h2><p>Energy companies can navigate today’s critical challenges by leveraging Siemens’ and SAP’s combined capabilities. This approach integrates system engineering and manufacturing industry best practices with the back-office capabilities from ERP and SCM systems. </p><p>Watch the webinar for capital project examples that show how companies can improve their sustainability, make data-driven decisions and prevent costly breakdowns.</p>

발표자 소개

Siemens DISW(Digital Industries Software)

John Nixon

Senior Director, Energy & Utilities

John은 Siemens DISW의 에너지 및 유틸리티 글로벌 전략 책임자로

에너지 및 유틸리티 분야에서 28년 이상의 경력을 쌓았습니다. 중국, 루마니아, 파나마 및 미국에서 비즈니스 개발을 주도하는 여러 에너지 및 기술 스타트업을 설립했습니다. 캐나다와 중국의 석유 및 광업 관련 대기업과 함께 대규모 그린필드와 브라운필드 프로젝트를 이끌었으며 미국과 멕시코의 파이프라인 자산 무결성 프로그램도 주도했습니다. 또한 파이프라이닝 기술특허를 보유하고 있으며, 여러 기술 업체 및 대학의 R&D 협회 이사직을 맡고 있습니다. John은 미 육군 장교였으며 Texas A&M University에서 토목 공학 학사 학위를 받았습니다.


Benjamin Beberness

Global VP Oil, Gas, and Energy

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