온디맨드 웨비나

IP Security: Keys to Early Identification of Security Vulnerabilities


IP Security: Keys to Early Identification of Security Vulnerabilities

Protecting your hardware is just as important as protecting your software from cyber attacks.

Cyberattacks continue to advance significantly, progressing past the software layers and seeking to compromise hardware down to the integrated circuit (IC). Compared to software, ICs are much more difficult to patch once fielded —therefore, early identification of potential vulnerabilities is increasingly important.

In this webinar:

OneSpin: A Siemens Business and Methodics IPLM by
Perforce will demonstrate early security verification on a small
module of intellectual property (IP) intended for integration into an
IC. Using Methodics IPLM by Perforce’s key technology for IP
management and OneSpin 360™ formal verification tools, our technical
experts will jointly perform the process recently released for public
comment in the Accellera Secure Annotation for Electronic Design
Integration (SA-EDI) Standard.

The process includes use perspectives from the IP Provider to identify
assets and known security concerns for the IP, in addition to showing
how the IP Integrator may use the asset information in further
security verification. The process will conclude with the
demonstration of several security objectives for the identified assets
and how the objectives are verified. The webinar will conclude with a
live Q&A session.

What can I expect to learn/gain from this webinar?

  • Insight into the Accellera Secure Annotation for Electronic Design
    Integration (SA-EDI) Standard
  • Where to find accessible information on security weaknesses and

As an IP provider:

  • How to define a security asset in your design
  • How to provide security information on your IP that may be used by

As an IP integrator (e.g., SoC designer):

  • An understanding of the security protections required for a procured
  • How formal properties are used to achieve security objectives,
    including real-world examples
  • How to manage security attributes with an IP

Who should attend this webinar?

  • FPGA Vendors
  • Accellera Members
  • DoD Systems Integrators and FFRDCs
  • Foundries
  • IP/IC professionals who want a deeper understanding of security

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