Learn how a High-Level Synthesis (HLS) design and verification flow built around Catapult HLS can dramatically speed up the design of an AI/ML hardware accelerator compared to a traditional RTL based flow. The webinar will focus on using the open-source MatchLib SystemC library, originally developed by NVIDIA, to perform rapid modeling and synthesis of an ML accelerator. It will demonstrate how the pre-HLS simulation, using MatchLib, can identify and fix potential system-level performance issues that are normally not found until much later in a hand-coded RTL design methodology. Finally we will present 2 customer case-studies from NVIDIA and Horizon Robotics, showcasing how these technologies work in conjunction to address our customers HLS design and verification challenges.
HLS Technologist
Michael Fingeroff has worked as an HLS Technologist for the Catapult High-Level Synthesis Platform at Siemens Digital Industries Software since 2002. His areas of interest include Machine Learning, DSP, and high-performance video hardware. Prior to working for Siemens Digital Industries Software, he worked as a hardware design engineer developing real-time broadband video systems. Mike Fingeroff received both his bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Temple University in 1990 and 1995 respectively.