온디맨드 웨비나

Future proof test delivery for Complex SoCs


SSN packetized test

Siemens EDA offers a silicon-proven solution for the DFT challenges of modern SoCs. This webinar describes how Tessent Streaming Scan Network (SSN) will future-proof your DFT and test implementation.

Future-proof test delivery with Tessent

Is your traditional approach of moving scan test data from chip-level pins to core-level scan channels under pressure due to the dramatic rise in design size and design complexity? Do you follow partial or fully abutted design flows and want to decouple chip and core level DFT, and enable simultaneous testing of any number of cores with few chip-level pins? Did you know that you can change which cores you want to test on the fly in any stage of your project? Do you want to run the chip faster than what your tester supports? Are you ready to implement a technology that can optimize your test time or test data volume?

Look no further, Siemens EDA has a silicon-proven solution for all these DFT challenges! This webinar describes how Tessent Streaming Scan Network (SSN) can change the way you deliver test.

What will you learn

  • What are the challenges in designing complex SOCs for DFT?
  • How does SSN address all of the problems and open an arena for the future.
  • How do we achieve significant improvements in DFT and test, including lower test time and test data volume?

Who should attend

  • Design for test engineers, managers, and directors
  • Physical design engineers
  • CAD engineers
  • IC design engineers/managers
  • Production operations teams
  • Automotive IC design engineers/managers

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