Better environmental performance, lower costs, and greater customer value
With increasing pressure from regulatory bodies as well as customers, manufacturers across industries need to shift toward more sustainable methods of production. By acting early in the development process, companies have a window of opportunity to not only reduce material- and production-related CO2e emissions but also save product costs and address tightened profit margins. Further, companies still must shorten their response times in the quotation process, achieve consistent pricing, and position themselves optimally for price defense.
The CO2e effect of each product can be understood by drawing on raw-/recycled material analysis, process steps, tools, devices, and logistics, alongside the parts price and investment effort. To decide on the right cost and CO2e levers to pursue, the saving potential of carbon reduction needs to be factored in to enable fact-based decision making. Including the carbon taxes into the calculation helps to determine holistically if a product cost reduction that causes an increase of carbon—or a carbon decrease that causes an increase in product cost—is the right thing to do. To maximize the value of the cost and carbon footprint calculations, companies can use the benchmark data on CO2e emissions we provide, to compare their current approaches against the best available to identify the biggest improvement opportunities.
Winning global and profitable quotation processes relies on consistent product cost calculations for pricing. Sales teams often need to create copies of product cost calculations or export cost breakdown into spreadsheets. While cost estimators continue to make changes on product costs after the copies have been created or cost breakdowns have been exported. Hence it becomes cumbersome to keep costing and pricing synchronized. Failure to react on cost changes often leads to loss of profit for companies. With the Pricing Calculator for Quotations sales teams can easily create a pricing calculation based on an existing costing calculation and automatically provide updates.
Companies can define increase and decrease rates specific to their business to understand multi-year product cost trends for materials and buy parts based on specific material classifications like electronic components, plastics, or steel materials.
America Zone Portfolio Development Executive for Teamcenter Product Cost Management
John Monica는 Siemens Digital Industries Software의 Teamcenter Product Cost Management(제품 비용 관리)를 담당하는 아메리카 지역 포트폴리오 개발 책임자입니다.
그는 이 역할을 맡아 여러 산업 분야에서 일하면서 OEM과 공급업체 모두에게 제품 비용 관리 요구사항을 충족하는 소프트웨어 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.
다양한 제조 산업에서 30여 년 이상 경력을 쌓았으며, 제품 및 도구 비용 관리, 대규모 어셈블리/차량 비용 롤업, 조직 혁신, 운영 개선 등에 대한 배경지식을 보유하고 있습니다.
2015년 Siemens에 입사했으며, 그전에는 글로벌 자동차, 항공우주 및 방위 산업 고객을 대상으로 하는 여러 컨설팅 기관에서 근무했습니다. 5년 간 주요 자동차 OEM에서 재직하며 비용 엔지니어링 조직 창설을 비롯하여 비용 추산 개발 및 구현을 담당했습니다.
EMEA Zone Portfolio Development Executive for Teamcenter Product Cost Management
PreSales Business Development Consultant
Mehmet Kilic hat langjährige Erfahrung im industriellen Cost Management und ist verantwortlich für kundenspezifische Anwendungsfälle für Kalkulation und Nachhaltigkeit des Siemens Cost Managements Portfolios.