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Cisco: RTL Power Optimization in a Tight Schedule: PowerPro Automatic RTL Write Capabilities in Vector-Less Mode

예상 소요 시간: 18분


Cisco: RTL Power Optimization - PowerPro in Vector-Less Mode

The cooling problem was a high priority issue in our Product. One way to address it was by reducing consumed power starting from the RTL phase. Our challenge was that RTL design was done and we had limited time for the power optimization. This is where PowerPro’s unique ability to automatically write power optimized RTL came in. Despite the absence of switching activity, PowerPro enabled us to target RTL power optimization where ordinarily we would have been limited back-end power optimization only. Given that back-end power optimization is known to be less effective than at RTL level, this was a big benefit to us. We used clock gating (CG) efficiency gains to measure PowerPro’s effectiveness. On several power hungry blocks, we achieved a CG efficiency gain of 10-20%. 

발표자 소개


Udupi Harisharan

Sr. Tech Lead

Udupi Harishararan은 지난 20년 동안 Networking Asics에서 15개 이상의 Asics을 테이프아웃하고, 현재 Cisco에서 데이터 센터 Asics의 SoC 통합, 전력 최적화, 전력 분석 및 에뮬레이션과 관련된 Asic 디자인 방법론을 포함한 설계 및 구현에 중점을 둔 팀을 이끌고 있습니다.

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