
Vias and Stackups

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via and stackup

As signaling speeds continue to increase, via design and planning are becoming a significant part of the process of designing for signal integrity.

We all want simulators that can model detailed electromagnetic behavior and produce highly accurate results, but what happens if you build something different than what you simulated? While no one does that deliberately, the fact is – it happens all the time because the details of the materials and processes used to build the board aren’t accurately represented in the simulation model.

As speeds go faster and margins get smaller, the small details of board fabrication – like plating layer thickness, or metal roughness on core vs. prepreg vs. plating surfaces – can significantly impact design performance. In order to ensure simulation results are accurate, it has become critical to model and analyze a board as it will be manufactured – instead of using traditional methods.

This webinar will show you how to evaluate PCB tradeoffs and create a detailed board model that ensures that the detailed design simulations you perform reflect the behavior of the board as it will actually be built, instead of reflecting the behavior of a board as you wish it could be built.

What you will learn:

  • How via planning impacts signal integrity
  • Via planning as part of the stackup design process
  • Vias in the PCB fabrication process
  • Via types and construction requirements
  • How to ensure your PCB stackup is real, before running simulations

Who should attend:

  • SI & PI specialists looking to make their simulations more accurate
  • Hardware system designers looking to accelerate their design's transition into manufacturing
  • New Product Introduction (NPI) engineers working with PCB fabricators
  • Hardware design managers looking to improve the interface between design & manufacturing



Bill Hargin


Bill Hargin is the chief everything officer at Z-zero, developer of the PCB stackup design and material selection software, Z-planner Enterprise. Bill is an industry pioneer, with more than 25 years working in PCB signal integrity and manufacturing, while authoring dozens of articles on signal integrity, stackup design, and material selection. Hargin is also the author of the iConnect007 publication Stackups, the Design within the Design, a regular columnist for Printed Circuit Design and Fabrication magazine, and a contributing author for the Printed Circuits Handbook.

Bill is a regular speaker and panelist at both DesignCon and PCB West, and more than 10,000 engineers and PCB designers worldwide have taken his workshop on high-speed PCB design. Mr. Hargin served as director of marketing for Mentor Graphics’ HyperLynx SI software and as the Director of North American Marketing for Nan Ya Plastic’s PCB laminate division in Taiwan before founding Z-zero.
