
From variant management to integrated electrical planning in mechanical and plant engineering

Optimally combine electrical planning and mechanical variant management.

おおよその視聴時間36 分


Optimally combine electrical planning and mechanical variant management.

Learn how to merge your electrical planning and your mechanical variant management.

Electrical planning is usually organized independently of mechanical product data in other environments and data pools. This makes configuration nontransparent and cumbersome. In most cases, intermediate formats such as Excel are still used to keep this visible and to bring the data together.

Mechanical and electrical components can be managed together in a platform technology. The variant configuration also controls electrical planning.

Webinar topics:

  • Overview Teamcenter variant management
  • Overview NX Industrial Electrical Design
  • Live Demo: Continuous workflow from variant management to integrated electrical planning

This webinar is intended for:

Electrical planners and designers, complexity managers and product managers, development managers, PDM/PLM administrators.


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Roman Kabisch

Portfolio Development Teamcenter

Roman Kabisch ist Country Portfolio Development Executive mit dem Fokus Variantenmanagement und dem Schwerpunkt Plattformtechnologie Teamcenter in der Region Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Einstiegsszenarien für die Digitalisierung, sowie der Ausbau zur Unterstützung unternehmerischer Wachstumsstrategien sind seine Tätigkeitsfelder.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Engelbert Blumenthal

Senior Product Manager

Engelbert Blumenthal is Senior Product Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software with a focus on mechatronic engineering. He draws his know-how from around 25 years of engineering experience in plant and mechanical engineering.
