Electronics has become the main source of added value, revenue and profit in many industries, disrupting traditional mechanical design workflows. The main mechanical and electrical workflows are concerned with design, and design is “just geometry”. How do we know what is being designed will perform acceptably? There is a need for the design effort to be simulation-driven, with performance confirmed at every step along the way. Thermal design is one of the most vexing challenges in the physical design of smart products. Thermal simulation requires far more information than just geometry, and for simulation-driven design performance must be assessed before we commit to design decisions.
In this webinar, we will discuss the macro-trends and how mechanical and electrical design workflows are being combined to address the top cause of PCB re-spins in late design. We will explore options for creating simulation models before MCAD and ECAD data is available, understand options for dealing with MCAD and ECAD data, and analyze specific needs in context of active power management control strategies for smart products.
エレクトロニクスおよび半導体業界向けSimcenterソリューションの牽引役でもあるParryは、SEMI-THERM 21カンファレンスで議長を務めました。そのほかにもJEDEC JC15熱標準委員会をはじめとする多くの組織で委員を務めています。CFD、電子機器冷却シミュレーション、熱特性評価に関連する招待講演や基調講演も行っています。電子機器冷却分野への技術的貢献としては、ファン、ヒートシンク、チップパッケージ、LEDのコンパクトな熱モデリング手法の開発が含まれます。また、実験計画法、最適化、熱特性評価、アクティブ・パワー・サイクリングの領域にも精通しています。