
Personalize your MES to business needs and user profiles with low code

Role-based MES for electronics, semiconductor, medical device and battery manufacturers

おおよその視聴時間36 分


Man leveraging a role-based, process-centric MES user experience in the electronics, semiconductor, medical device and battery industries.

Manufacturers of electronics, semiconductors, medical devices and batteries need a high degree of adaptability to thrive in today's market.

In order to manage various process styles while also complying with strict regulatory requirements, it is essential to have a personalized manufacturing execution system (MES).

In this webinar, our MES experts will demonstrate how manufacturers of electronics, semiconductors, medical devices and batteries can adopt a role-based, process-centric user experience by personalizing their MES with low code.

You will learn:

  • How to start creating personalized MES applications with low code
  • How to adopt a role-based, industry-specific, and process-centric user experience
  • How to leverage low code in the electronics, semiconductor, medical device, and battery industries

It's time to maximize your operational efficiency and flexibility.

Register for the webinar and learn how to take your MES user experience to the next level with low code.



Silvio Saouaf


Silvioはシーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアの製品ポートフォリオ/管理責任者として、主に製造実行システム (MES) を担当しています。20年以上にわたって世界的なメーカーと協力し、企業の製造戦略とソリューションを立案、開発して、オペレーショナル・エクセレンスとイノベーションを推進してきました。電気工学の学士号と修士号を取得。米国ノース・カロライナ在住。

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Matteo Pavan Fracasso

Solution Domain Expert for MES in the Digital Manufacturing Segment

Matteo holds a master's degree in arts from Padova University, Italy. He has been contributing to Siemens' success since 2006, acting as a product manager and industry manager, including roles in pre-sales and marketing.
