
Microsoft - HLS Hardware Design Patterns

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Microsoft - HLS Hardware Design Patterns

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) using untimed C++ presents an elegant hardware abstraction framework for simplifying hardware design at the unit level. To construct large designs in untimed C++, the design needs to be broken down into isolated units connected via channels. The process of breaking down a design into units usually ends up being more than simply dividing modules, there are specific design considerations that need to be considered in this process in order to produce a design that will function correctly in a system after RTL is generated.

This presentation discusses some core considerations for partitioning a digital design and introduces a basic set of HLS Hardware Design Patterns that provide foundational and conceptual building blocks for large-scale designs. Generic design patterns for common design aspects such as interfaces, input, and output arbitration, configuration, and flushing will be covered.




この電子ブックでは、エンジニアリング企業にとっての上位の課題 -- 製品要件への適合 (53%) と納期の遵守 (45%) -- に対応する5つの戦略を説明します。

How-toガイド: エンジニアリング変更プロセス

How-toガイド: エンジニアリング変更プロセス

製品ライフサイクル管理 (PLM) ソフトウェアソリューションで、エンジニアリング変更プロセスを加速します。製品設計を加速するエンジニアリング変更管理ソフトウェア