
The advantages of a closed-loop quality system for discrete manufacturers


The advantages of a closed-loop quality system for discrete manufacturers

Discrete manufacturers and their suppliers are driving innovations to meet their customer demands for safe and high-quality products. As they are facing more demanding business requirements, manufacturers are bringing a more strategic approach to quality. Regardless of industry and market dynamics, manufacturers and their suppliers must meet the industry norms, quality standards and guidelines.

Quality can be considered fundamental for manufactures to achieve a competitive position and assure customer satisfaction. This webinar will explore:

  • the benefits of a closed-loop quality management approach
  • why your company needs to implement a robust solution to manage quality
  • how discrete manufactures can enable continuous improvements from a quality management system




Valentina Giovanna Lupo


Valentina Lupoは、シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアで、インダストリー・マネージャーとして主に品質面に取り組んでいます。3年前にシーメンスに入社し、製造オペレーション管理の事業支援チームに加わりました。それ以前は、イタリアとポーランドで品質管理や研究開発のさまざまな役職を歴任しています。「認定プロジェクト管理アソシエイト - IPMAレベルD®️」としてプロジェクト管理職も経験しました。