これからの自動車はますます複雑化した高度に統合された機能装備が含まれることから、今以上の処理能力を備えたECUが必要です。 短い開発サイクルのなかで、高い接続性を備えたE/Eアーキテクチャーで競争力のある機能を実現することが大きなプレッシャーになっています。この数年の間、これまでTier1サプライヤーに委託していたECU開発を見直し、ブランド強化に直結するIPや新技術を伴う機能を自社で開発しようとするOEMが増えてきました。 こちらのウェビナーは2人の専門家がお送りします。Capital VSTARの製品マネージャーであるMathias Fritzsonと上級技術マーケティングエンジニアであるBrendan Morrisが最近の動向を考察し、Tier1サプライヤーとOEMの役割の変化、それをサポートするソリューションを紹介します。
Senior Technical Marketing Engineer
Brendan spent his early career working in Tier 1 suppliers into the Automotive Industry, focusing primarily on software development in powertrain electronics, however spending some time working in a diverse range of technologies for on and off highway vehicles. He spent the next 10yrs working for several vehicle OEM's at all stages of vehicle development programs. Several of these years leading research projects at Jaguar Land Rover introducing new network technologies into their latest and future E/E Architectures, also represented the company in AUTOSAR WP-A2 Com Work Package. He has also lead several aspects of development and launch of low volume vehicles, including E/E Architecture, and start-up vehicle OEM's as diverse as McLaren Automotive and Rivian.
Product Manager
Mathias has spent nearly 20 years of his career in embedded development and design of software and multiplexed communication for the automotive industry. His interest in automotive systems and technical curiosity has resulted in key assignments scaling from software engineering on large-scale ECU production programs to research programs in functional safety, base technology development, standardization, and verification on bus technology. Mathias has spent the last decade on AUTOSAR, advocating for the use of the standard while conducting product development and making customers successful. Currently, he is the product manager for Capital VSTAR products. Mathias oversees product development and marketing activities.